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About Me

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B.S. University of Texas

M.A. Liberty University

Harvard: Studied Neuroscience

Stanford: Studied Psychoneuroimmunology

Licensed Family Mediator


Stress & Trauma 

First Responder Professional

Rape & Sexual Abuse

Suicide Prevention

PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Symbis Facilitator - Premarital, Second Marriage, Dating

PAIRS Suicide Prevention Professional

More available upon request

WHAT NO ONE IS SHOUTING FROM THE MOUNTAINTOPS!!!! I grew up as a perfectionist people pleaser who felt defeated, discarded, insecure, and discouraged no matter how much I accomplished or my popularity. My personal relationships brought more hurt than happiness deepening my belief that I was worthless. I learned that what I believed to be "normal" was emotional abuse, physical abuse, and trauma which skewed the filter in which I processed myself and others. This filter was "wired" in my brain in such a way that all my attempts to "do better" or "feel better" fell short. I now know “why” the problem was ME! I developed an insatiable appetite for knowledge and discovered the research that connected stress, trauma, interpersonal relationships, intimacy, and their impact individuals’ incidence of illness, brain activity, development of belief systems, and overall wellbeing. The way the brain is wired directly impacts a person’s health, relating with others, view of themselves, behaviors, and overall wellbeing. The more I learned, the more I wanted to shout from the mountain, “Why is NO ONE talking about this!” What is more astounding is that people go to counseling for years without true, lasting, meaningful change or any understanding of how their brain's wiring may be sabotaging their ability to engage in healthy communication, form deep bonds, and experience true intimacy! The pattern is wired in and if it is not wired out, nothing permanently changes! No shock, we, as a country, are suffering from a mental health crisis! Helping others professionally and personally for over 30 years to identify the source or root cause of their stress, communication issues, and developing a collaborative plan for change is my passion. Empowering people with the tools to manage their lives and relationships through a series of exercises, homework, reflection, and other strategies has proven to be effective for the long-term change. As a former financial advisor, educator, executive, and business owner, I continue to be perplexed that many people are willing to invest their finances in everything except their relationships, mental health, personal growth, and end up spending thousands more due to divorce, rehab, job loss, or medical expenses due to the lack of that investment. The returns are HIGH, LONG TERM, and continue to increase exponentially every day. Invest in yourself now or you may pay a much greater price later. The personal and professional stakes are HIGH. I urge you to book your appointment today and find out what may be silently killing you, your relationships, or stifling your potential happiness. Let’s Rewire Life! Katherine

Katherine Kane is a writer, stress management specialist, inspirational speaker, author, and thriver.

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